Friday, August 23, 2013

The Greatest Place on Earth

I will always be a Nebraskan at heart. I was born and raised in Lincoln, but I've spent the last 12 years in Southern Colorado. I've been here long enough that my friends say I'm no longer Nebraskan - although I'd argue that point! (Especially with Football Season right around the corner!) 

Here's the deal. I love the mountains. And in my opinion, the second greatest place on earth is right here in Southern Colorado. Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs is the most aptly named place I have every been. 

Although this is where my love for hiking has cultivated, as I trudge up and down the trails with my little one at my heels (and man, do I miss the days when she fit into a baby carrier!) It's far from where my love for hiking started.

My love for hiking started at summer camp. I was a camper for 10 summers. A counselor for 2. And my heart has never really left that place. 

My love for hiking began in the hills of Nebraska. (Yes, I know - laughable. Hills. In Nebraska. It's ok, laugh with me!) I spent many summers on this very trail (and many "work days" laying the wood chips on that trail.) And I found myself there, I grew into who I am. I had confidence. Friendships. I loved who I was when I was there. 

And so that, my friends, is the Greatest Place on Earth. (Nope, not Disney. Not the top of Pike's Peak - although hopefully next summer I can argue that from a hikers perspective and not that of an aspiring race car driver!) But a small summer camp in Southeastern Nebraska. That is home. That is the greatest place on earth. 

(And with that? I need to head to bed so I can wake up tomorrow morning and drag myself into nature for a hike!) 

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